

กำลังแสดงโพสต์จาก ธันวาคม, 2004

Early Day

N o one can help you but yourself.           If you wanna be suceeder you have to prove yourself that you are smart enough. Since poeple is all around looked down on you but that's not true you know yourself at best no one know you more than yourself and then do not try to get help from others because you will not be accepted from people who is all around you eventhough they might help you but not from their mind but it came from the darkside of them like when you see someone getting down and you claim them like a trunk that is in same case.           Try harder to be a superman because superman will not appear to you and never he's like a guy for children's dream, not real. Your life will go on but you mind might be struck by now the time can alter anything and it's not waiting for you to run forward to future. Do not lazy , my dear go on and catch...