In this article I will show you how to configure privoxy on Windows. I note this method on my blog because I have some problems with my VPN service provider. They don't allow me to share my proxy on another devices in my LAN if I need to share I have to pay more extra money. Thus it would be better I can set up my PC to be a proxy server and by pass to this VPN route. First: You need to do is download an program Privoxy . The version I download is privoxy_setup_3.0.21.exe.(510.4 kB) which is not a small application but it is very useful. Second: You need to install it on your PC. Just only click next next and next.. Third: You need to do is configure your Privoxy server to by pass to VPN proxy server. Edit Main Configuration Append 2 lines in section 5.1 to enable forward proxy to VPN proxy. forward / forward :443 Modify 1 line in section 4.1 listen-address -> listen-addr...
Nerd, Digital Nomad, Experiences sharing