
Set up uncache proxy server - Privoxy

In this article I will show you how to configure privoxy on Windows.

I note this method on my blog because I have some problems with my VPN service provider. They don't allow me to share my proxy on another devices in my LAN if I need to share I have to pay more extra money. Thus it would be better I can set up my PC to be a proxy server and by pass to this VPN route.

You need to do is download an program Privoxy. The version I download is privoxy_setup_3.0.21.exe.(510.4 kB) which is not a small application but it is very useful.

You need to install it on your PC. Just only click next next and next..

You need to do is configure your Privoxy server to by pass to VPN proxy server.

Edit Main Configuration
 Append 2 lines in section 5.1 to enable forward proxy to VPN proxy.
forward    /
forward :443
 Modify 1 line in section 4.1
listen-address -> listen-address
Above config tell privoxy to listen on any IP address, in this case I need to connect from my mobile device.

Last but not least, you need to allow incoming inbound on port 8118.
To do that you have to launch firewall configuration Start > Type "Firewall" > Select "Windows Firewall with Advanced Security"

After firewall setting shows please follow the below steps.

Windows Firewall with Advanced Security
1. Select Inbound Rules, then 2. create New Rule..

 3. Select Port to allow the connections from another deviced


4. Select TCP because Proxy server is based on TCP protocol
5. Input 8118 in Textbox

6. Allow the connection to accept connection from another devices

7. Allow all to accept connection from any interfaces, due to in Windows 7 you can specific each interface that connected is Private Network, Domain Network or Public Network. Thus you can do more fine-grain as you want

8. Set the name for the Incoming Inbound rule

 Then you can go to your browser to using the proxy now.




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Fluent NHibernate Configuration

I have a C# project which I have to develop for MS SQL Server, customer requirment, but since I do not have a license for it. Then I decide to go with NHibernate but NHibernate is relied on XML based configuration, which is not my preference, I research a little bit more, definitely I found out Fluent NHibernate is a good replacement for XML based configuration. I can map the entities with C# code that can reduce the errors prone in my code. I use Firebird database in the development, though it can be used in production, I define the mapping as normal NHibernate (also Hibernate in Java). But when I try to build the configure for Fluent NHibernate, it's not the same as SQLite example, I try to fine the solution one by one from StackOverflow and the steps below can solved my problem. Add the reference for NHibernate and its dependecies (NHibernate.dll, Iesi.Collections.dll) Add a reference for Fluent NHibernate (FluentNHibernate.dll), you can get it from nuget packacge manager

Standalone MySQL setup

Currently I am learning Spring Boot. I follow some tutorials but there is a part requires to use DBMS. So I decide to use MySQL as a database. But I don't want to install it as as service neither install with Windows installer. I decide to download an archive version to run it as standalone application. I expect it will be ready to use as the installer version but it is not as easy as I think. The first thing you have to do after extract the archive file is to copy my-default.ini to my.ini Open my.ini with notepad or text editor that you like, edit these lines as show below basedir = X:/<pat to your mysql folderh>/mysql-5.7.9-winx64 datadir = X:/<pat to your mysql folderh>/mysql-5.7.9-winx64/data Important!  Don't forget to create the folder data to the path they you refer in datadir  Second you have to mysql bin directory and then input the following command in command prompt mysqld --initialize --console --console is optional to see the verbose in